Thursday, March 31, 2011

.amidst the grey ocean

I think this will be the last one of the pictures from last saturday which deals with the stone wall as a background! But there are still some more pictures to come with Szilvia in it and the dress of Vecona that she wears!

Hope you like this one too!

copyrighted by Peter Grusel Photography 2011
model: szilvia
photographer: peter grusel

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

.beyond the end

Another day, another pic! Just uploaded an image that I called "Beyond the End" cause somehow I got the feeling that the name would fit...

The picture was taken as part of my last outdoor shooting and shot in the same location than the previous post "The Crowned Queen".

As before, the model Szilvia was doing a great job and now you can finally see why Michael Grein is the best rope holder I´ve met so far! 90 degrees, yeah!

Ok, Szilvia was again dressed up with cool cloths from Vecona, which actually always improve each pic by like 100%! :)

copyrighted by Peter Grusel Photography 2011
model: szilvia
photographer: peter grusel

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

.the crowned queen

In order to give my foreign readers the chance to ban their german dictionaries, I´m switching back to English! So please have mercy on my vocabulary and grammar! :)

Last saturday it was time for another shooting with one of Veconas beautiful and fancy dresses! It was also the first time I was collaborating with a model from a german website called Modelkartei on which you can get into contact with all kind of models, visagists and other photographers.

Additionally the model, Szilvia, and me were accompanied by the best rope holder in our region, Michael Grein, who I met in the press box at a concert of Apocalyptica and who is an outstanding concert photographer! :)

Ok, so we were all really excited about the shooting and as it turned out everything was perfect that day! The weather was nice, the model looked awesome and the rope was tight! :)

So here we go with the first one of the images I took that day! No, it´s not a rope one, but still a good one, I hope!

Ah, and btw: I started to give my picture crazy names and put them into the image itself! So don´t wonder if you spot any characters within it!

And finally, here it is, "The Crowned Queen"

copyrighted by Peter Grusel Photography 2011
model: szilvia
photographer: peter grusel

Monday, March 21, 2011

.make-up session

ewig hat´s gedauert, aber ich wollte noch mal ein paar bilder zu nem längst vergangenem shooting nachreichen! wir hatten damals ein wenig mit make-up rumexperimentiert!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


nachdem ich mir demletzt mal ein paar ideen zu bildern mit seilen überlegt habe, konnte ich jetzt schon mal ein paar ideen umsetzen! die seile tragen zwar irgendwie dazu bei, das ganze etwas in die fetisch richtung abdriften zu lassen, aber naja, was soll´s! fand´s trotzdem ganz lustig! :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


apocalyptica waren gestern mal wieder richtig was für die ohren und dank astreiner lightshow auch was für´s auge!

leider haben die securities keinen sinn für die lieder gehabt und so wurden wir schon nach dem zweiten lied wieder aus dem fotograben verbannt, anstelle des dritten songs... die haben nämlich ein ruhiges zwischenstück bei master of puppets leider für lied nr 3 gehalten! :) egal, sind trotzdem ein paar schicke bilder bei rumgekommen!



.a life divided

Nachdem ich mit meiner Ausrüstung erfolgreich im Schützen, äh, Fotograben untergekommen bin, konnte ich auch gleich mal loslegen und die Vorband von Apocalyptica, "A Life Divided" knipsen!

War sehr angenehm endlich mal in nem richtigen Fotograben zu stehen, auch wenn man nur 3 Songs Zeit hat zum knipsen! Aber wenigstens wird man nicht umgemosht und kann seine Kamera ruhig halten! :)

Und nen schicken orangenen Fotopassaufkleber gab´s noch obendrauf, wow! :)